
adj. Diez y cinco.

Diccionario Castellano . 2014.

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  • quince — (Del lat. quindĕcim). 1. adj. Diez y cinco. 2. decimoquinto. Número quince. [m6]Año quince. Apl. a los días del mes, u. t. c. s. [m6]El quince de enero. 3. m. Conjunto de signos o cifras con que se representa el número quince. 4. Juego d …   Diccionario de la lengua española

  • Quince — (kw[i^]ns), n. [Prob. a pl. from OE. quyne, coin, OF. coin, cooin, F. coing, from L. Cydonius a quince tree, as adj., Cydonian, Gr. ? Cydonian, ? ? a quince, fr. ? Cydonia, a city in Crete, ? the Cydonians. Cf. {Quiddany}.] 1. The fruit of a… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • quince — adjetivo,pronombre numeral cardinal,sustantivo masculino 1. Cantidad que representa la cifra 15: Repitió lo mismo quince veces. adjetivo numeral ordinal,sustantivo masculino y femenino 1. Decimoquinto: el capítulo quince, el quince de agosto.… …   Diccionario Salamanca de la Lengua Española

  • QUINCE — QUINCE, name of both a tree, Cydonia oblonga, and its fruit. It is not mentioned in the Bible, but in rabbinic literature it is referred to under three names: ḥavush, parish, and aspargal. Ḥavush (Aram. ḥavusha) is mentioned as being given to the …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • quince — [kwıns] n [U and C] [Date: 1300 1400; Origin: Plural of coyn, quyn quince (14 16 centuries), from Old French coin, from Latin cotoneum, cydoneum (malum) Cydonian (apple) , from Greek Kydonia Cydonia , ancient city in Crete] a hard yellow fruit… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • quince — (n.) early 14c., plural of quoyn, from O.Fr. cooin, from L. cotoneum malum quince fruit, probably a variant of cydonium malum, from Gk. kydonion malon apple of Kydonia (modern Khania), ancient seaport city in Crete. The plant is native to Persia …   Etymology dictionary

  • Quince et le va — Quince et le va, s. u. Pharao, S. 36 …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • quince — [ kwıns ] noun count or uncount a hard round fruit that looks like a yellow apple and can be eaten only when it is cooked. It is usually used for making jelly …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • quince — ► NOUN ▪ the hard, acid, pear shaped fruit of an Asian shrub or small tree, used in preserves or as flavouring. ORIGIN Old French cooin, from Latin malum cydonium apple of Cydonia (= Chania, in Crete) …   English terms dictionary

  • quince — [kwins] n. [ME qwince, orig. pl. of quyn < OFr cooin < VL * cotoneum, for L cydonium < Gr kydōnion (mēlon), Cydonian (apple) < Kydōnia, Cydonia, town on N coast of Crete] 1. a golden or greenish yellow, hard, apple shaped fruit of a… …   English World dictionary

  • Quince — Not to be confused with quints. For other uses, see Quince (disambiguation). Quince Cydonia oblonga flowers Scientific classification …   Wikipedia

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